World tour 


‘I am a twenty nine year old Mathematics teacher from Oxford, I love my job, work incredibly hard and have only forty years until I retire.  I’ve decided to get on a bicycle and start riding.  Now I’ve reached Japan, cycled twenty one thousand kilometers and am still going.

When I started I had some plans that consisted of cycling really far and really fast on flat, smooth roads, not too much adventure.  The journey went on and I slowly learnt the beauty of riding a bicycle is that I can go anywhere, meet anyone and experience things that travelling in a plane, train or automobile can’t ever bring you.

I’ve now travelled through some of the most rugged terrain in the world including parts of the Pamir, Karakoram, Carpathian and Himilaya mountain ranges, met some incredible people, most, unforgettably, the Dalai Lama who told me he thought the fact that I had cycled all the way to India was great and experienced cultures, religions and nature that will stay in my memory and inspire adventures to come.

I have decided that as I’m cycling and people are following my journey I should use the exposure to raise a little awareness and some funds for a cause that I feel is important.  The cause I have chosen is AgeUK, they are a charity that provide companionship, support and most importantly a life to the elderly members of the community.

If you would like to donate any amount of money to the AgeUK you can by clicking on this link.